© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Saraland Boulevard Improvement Committee


To improve the curb appeal of businesses on Saraland Boulevard by recognizing the best building designs and best landscaping. Key improvements are; exterior condition, parking lot condition, parking lot lighting, sidewalk condition, landscaping, sign condition, overall condition and dumpster blind. Please help me identify the top ten businesses that meet the above criteria. Send me your thoughts and pictures on how to improve Saraland Boulevard curb appeal. ~ Ron Mitchell Contact Ron Mitchell. *** Commercial Business Survey ***

10 Drought Tolerant Shrubs

If these tough beauties thrive in the driest Alabama summer in 100 years, think how well they'll do for you. Just click on the link below. http://www.finegardening.com/10-drought-tolerant-shrubs For many more Drought Tolerant plants click on the link below. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/quickref/shrubs/shrubs-drought.html
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson
© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Saraland Boulevard Improvement Committee


To improve the curb appeal of businesses on Saraland Boulevard by recognizing the best building designs and best landscaping. Key improvements are; exterior condition, parking lot condition, parking lot lighting, sidewalk condition, landscaping, sign condition, overall condition and dumpster blind. Please help me identify the top ten businesses that meet the above criteria. Send me your thoughts and pictures on how to improve Saraland Boulevard curb appeal. ~ Ron Mitchell Contact Ron Mitchell. *** Commercial Business Survey ***

10 Drought Tolerant Shrubs

If these tough beauties thrive in the driest Alabama summer in 100 years, think how well they'll do for you. Just click on the link below. http://www.finegardening.com/10-drought-tolerant-shrubs For many more Drought Tolerant plants click on the link below. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/quickref/shrubs/shru bs-drought.html
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson